First of all, you may feel alone, but you are not; it is not at all unusual to feel out of sorts or a little off at the holidays, even if it isn’t your first holiday post divorce. But being “thankful” in the context of divorce can feel like a bad joke or at least an oxymoron. But being conscious of this likelihood might make it easier when the maelstrom arises.
Mental Health Professional Linda Solomon of Collaborative Divorce Dallas says, “Know you will experience all kinds of emotion. There is no way to avoid it. If you aren’t going to be with extended family, plan something that is different than what you and your spouse have “always” done.”
The first holiday of many “firsts” post divorce can be emotionally charged because they are unknown. In the unknown, however, lies an opportunity to choose consciously how we want to move forward. Every special tradition, after all, began with a first. From the professionals at Collaborative Divorce Dallas: May this be yours.